
System requirements

If you only want to use the wallet with the corresponding balio tool, you can run it on anything that your go compiler can build for.
For instance, it will work on even the oldest Raspberry Pi model A with 256MB of RAM.

However, in order to run the full node (client), you need a 64-bit OS with a decent amount of RAM.
See the file for the current RAM requirement.

You also need a file system that supports large files (bigger than 4GB) and a decent size of a free space on it.

Note that you can purge blocks from disk, allowing you to run the node with a limited storage (e.g. 30GB).
See config file values: Memory.MaxDataFileMB and Memory.DataFilesKeep (set this one to non-zero, e.g. 10)

The host OS is not important, as it runs equally well on Windows, Linux or Mac.
To briefly assess a performance of a chosen platform, you can use the benchmark below (lower time = better performance).

	package main

	import (

	const (
		RECNT   = int(20e6)

	func main() {
		tm := make(map[[MAPSIZE]byte]bool, RECNT)
		var k [MAPSIZE]byte
		fmt.Println("Plase wait...")
		sta := time.Now()
		for i := 0; i < RECNT; i++ {
			tm[k] = true
		fmt.Printf("All %d records loaded in %s\n", RECNT, time.Since(sta).String())

Build from source

You will need git and go commands installed in your system.

Download the source code from github to a local folder of your choice, e.g. by executing: git clone
Then go to gocoin/client/ and execute go build there. Do the same in gocoin/wallet/, to build the wallet.

The process is also described in the main file of the github repo piotrnar/gocoin


The binaries (usually not the latest version) for Windows and Linux can be downloaded from